📔 Devlog: Slashing Samurai - Logic
This article is a record of the “logic” behind the development of “Slashing Samurai,” a mobile game for iOS released on the App Store on December 15, 2023, using the Godot Engine. However, to avoid excessive length, specific code details will be kept to a minimum. Slashing Samurai is available for free download on the App Store. Just click the banner below to get this game! Identifying Necessary Screens I am the type to prioritize visuals. In game development, including the creation of “Slashing Samurai” in Godot, I started by identifying the necessary screens. I also considered the flow of screen transitions. Although there were many changes in the end, the base stayed relatively close to the initial plan. Initially, the plan included the following screens: Start Screen Play Screen (including Pause Screen) Stage Selection Screen Settings Screen In the end, the following screens were added: Prologue Screen Menu Screen Credit Screen Score Screen Falling Object Record Screen This devlog will focus on documenting the screens that were originally planned to be the core of the game. Start Screen and...