🤖 Making a Tilemap with TileMapLayer
Introduction With Godot 4.3, the previously used TileMap class has been deprecated (meaning it won’t be updated anymore), and a new TileMapLayer class has been added in its place. So, I’m going to actually create a tilemap using TileMapLayer! My environment at the time of writing Godot version: 4.3 Computer model: MacBook Air M1, 2020 OS: macOS 14.6.1 Setting the Screen Size I’ll be using 16x16 px tile images this time, so I’ll make the Viewport small enough to fit the tiles neatly. After creating a new project, I went to Project Settings > General tab > Window and set the following: Size: Viewport Width: 256 Viewport Height: 160 Window Width Override: 1024 (4 times) Window Height Override: 640 (4 times) *Window Width Override and Window Height Override can be set after enabling Advanced Settings in the top right of the settings panel. Then I scrolled down a bit in the settings panel and set the stretch mode to viewport so that the game graphics scale to fit the window size. I left the aspect ratio as is. Stretch: Mode: viewport Aspect: keep (default) Scale: 1 (default) Scale Mode: fractional (default) Importing Assets for Tiles I downloaded the 1-Bit Pack from KENNEY ....